[1] [2] [3] A legat from the pope na|med Ruscand a Gascoigne.About the same time came another legat from the pope, namelie, one Ruscand a Gascoigne borne, to whom, with the archb. of Canturburie, and the bi|shop of Hereford, the pope had granted authoritie to collect and gather the tenths of the spiritualtie within England, Scotland, and Ireland,Tenths ga|thered for the pope. to the vse of the pope and the king, notwithstanding all priuiledges, for what cause or vnder what forme of words so euer the same had passed. This Ruscand also absolued the king of his vow made to go into the holie land, to the end he might go against Manfred king of Sicill. He also preached the crosse against the same Man|fred,The crosse preached a|gainst Man|fred. promising all those remission of their sins which should go to war against Manfred, as well as if they should go into the holie land, to warre against Gods enimies there, whereat faithfull men much maruel|led, that he should promise as great méed for the shed|ding of christian bloud, as the bloud of infidels.