[1] [2] Elianor the wife of prince Edward cõ|meth to the citie.About the feast of S. Etheldred, the ladie Elianor wife of prince Edward the kings son, came to Lon|don, where she was honorablie receiued of the citi|zens, & conueied through the citie to S. Iones with|out Smithfield, and there lodged for a season, and yer long she remooued to the Sauoy. It was not long after, that the king seized the liberties of the citie of London into his hands, for certeine monie which the quéene claimed as due to hir of a certeine right to be paid by the citizens,The liberties of the citie re|stored to the Londoners. so that about the feast of S. Mar|tine in Nouember, they gaue vnto the king foure hundred marks, and then had their liberties to them againe restored, and the kings vnder-treasuror dis|charged, which for the time was made custos or kée|per of the citie.