[1] [2] [3] About the same time, Lewes the French king sent vnto king Henrie for a present an elephant,An elephant sent to the K. a beast most strange and woonderfull to the English people, sith most seldome or neuer any of that kind had béene séene in England before that time. The French queene also sent for a present vnto the king of Eng|land an ewer of pearle like to a peacocke in forme and fashion,An ewer of pearle, per|aduenture an agat. garnished most richlie with gold, siluer, and saphires to furnish him foorth in all points of fine and cunning workemanship, to the verie resem|blance of a liuing peacocke. ¶Manie woonders chan|ced about this time. The sea rose with most high tides, riuers were so filled with abundance of water,Strange wonders. High tides. by reason of the great continuall raine, that maruellous flouds followed therevpon.A comet. A comet also appeared, and manie high buildings were striken by force of tempests.The decease of Walter archbishop of Yorke. The death of Walter archbishop of Yorke followed these prodigious wonders, who had gouer|ned that sée the space of fortie yeares. After him suc|ceeded one Seuall the 34 archbishop of that citie.