[1] [2] About the feast of saint Edward, the parlement began againe at London,A parlement. in which the states trea|ted of a subsidie to be granted to the king,Richard earle of Cornewall standeth a|gainst his brother for the grant of a subsidie. but they could not conclude thereof, neither would Richard earle of Cornewall disburse anie monie at that sea|son to his brother the king, bicause he allowed not the maner of laieng it out for the warres against Man|fred, being taken in hand without his consent. The same years, the king by the procurement of his bro|ther Richard earle of Cornewall,The liberties of London sei|zed into the kings hands. had seized the li|berties of the citie of London into his owne hands, vnder colour that the maior had not doone his dutie in the iust punishing of bakers for breaking of the assises of their bread. Herevpon, where the maior and communaltie of the citie had by the kings grant the citie to farme, with diuerse customes and offices, at a certeine rate and stinted summe of monie; now the king set officers therein at his pleasure, which were accomptable to him for all the reuenues and profits that grew within the citie.