[1] An eclipse.The moone suffered a maruellous eclipse on the night following the day of S. Margaret in Iulie. It began afore midnight, and continued foure houres. The king in the behalfe of his daughter the queene of Scots raised a power, and drew northwards, sending before him the earle of Glocester,The earle of Glocester & Iohn Man|sell sent into Scotland. and Iohn Mansell that was his chapleine and one of his coun|cell. These two so vsed the matter, that they came to Edenburgh, where the king and queene of Scots then laie in the castell, into the which the [...] entred, and altred the order of the houshold, so as stood with the contentation of the king and queene, which were in such wise vsed before that time, that they were not suffered to lie togither, nor scarse come to talke togither.