[1] Moreouer to increase the kings vaine charges, so it fell out, that pope Innocent bearing grudge to|wards Conrade king of Sicill, offered that king|dome (as before is partlie touched) to Richard duke of Cornewall, who refused the offer, aswell for other causes, as chieflie for that the pope would not agrée to such conditions as earle Richard thought necessa|rie for his assurance. Wherevpon the pope granted that kingdome vnto king Henrie,The pope of|fereth ye king|dome of Si|cill vnto the king of Eng|land. with manie good|lie promises of aid to his furtherance for atteining the possession thereof. King Henrie ioifullie receiued that grant, and called his sonne Edmund openlie by the name of K. of Sicill, and to furnish the pope with monie for the maintenance of his war against Con|rade, he got togither all such sums as he could make, aswell out of his owne coffers, and out of the exche|ker, as by borrowing of his brother earle Richard, and likewise what he could scrape from the Iewes,The K. ma|keth great shift for monie to send to the pope. or otherwise extort by the rapine of the iustices itine|rants: all which he sent to the pope, who not con|tent herwith (when he began ef [...]s [...]ns to want) wrote againe to the king for more.