[1] [2] After that king Henrie had continued there for his pleasure certeine daies, he returned to England, landing at Douer in Christmasse weeke. This iour|nie into Gascoigne was verie costlie, and to small purpose (as writers haue recorded) for the kings char|ges amounted to the summe of 27 hundred thousand pounds and aboue, except lands and rents, which he gaue vnaduisedlie to those which l [...]ttle deserued, but rather sought the hinderance both of him and his realme, besides the gift of [...]0 thousand marks, which he bestowed vpon his halfe brethren by the mothers side, not reckoning the lands nor rents, neither yet the wards nor the horsses, nor iewels which he gaue to them besides, being of price inestimable. Thus in two iournies which he made, the one into Poictou, which countrie he lost; and the other into Gascoigne, which he hardlie preserued; he spent more treasure than a wise chapman would haue giuen for them both if they had béene set on sale (as Matthew Par [...] writeth) so that it might be verified in him that is meant by the old prouerbe,
Qui procul excurrit, sed nil mercatur ibidem,Sivia longa fuit, rediens tristatur hic idem.