[1] [2] [3] The wind continuing this yeare for the space of thrée moneths and od daies northerlie, did greatlie hinder the growth and increase of floures and fruits: and about the first of Iulie there fell such a storme of haile and raine,A mightie storme of haile. as the like had not béene seene nor heard of in those daies, breaking downe the tiles and other couerings of houses, with boughes of trées, by the violent aboundance and force of the water and hailestones, which continued aboue the space of an houre powring and beating downe incessantlie. Af|ter this, when the king had remained a whole yeare in Guien, Anno Reg. 39. The king re|turneth hom|w [...]rds tho|rough France he returned homewards through France, and comming vnto Charters, was honorablie there receiued of Lewes the French king, as then latelie returned out of the holie land, and from thence he was roiallic by the same king Lewes brought vnto Paris.The countesse of Cornewall. The countesse of Cornewall went ouer with a noble traine of lords, gentlemen, and others, to be present at the méeting of hir two sisters, the queenes of England and France, so that the roialtie of the as|semblie on ech part was great.