[1] [2] [3] The L. Wil. Uescie depar|teth this life.Moreouer there died in Gascoigne, William de Uescie a baron of great fame in the north parts. Also in the spring and summer of this yeare was a great drought, and in the haruest season fell such wet, that great floods by the rising of the riuers,Great wet. and ouerflow|ing their banks, did much hurt in sundrie places of the realme. Againe in the later end of haruest about Michaelmasse, there was eftsoones such a drought, that men could get no grinding at the milles,Great drout. but were constreined to go in some places a daies iour|nie off, to haue their corne groond. In the eight and thirtith yeare of king Henries reigne, the quéene was deliuered of a daughter which was called Ka|therin, Anno Reg. 38. The ladie Ka+therin the kings daugh|ter borne. bicause the same was borne on saint Kathe|rins daie.