[1] The bishop of Chichester Richard Witz and Grosted b. of Lincolne depart this lifeThis yeare died Richard Witz the bishop of Chi|chester, a man of great vertue and singular know|ledge. Also that famous clearke Robert Grosted bi|shop of Lincolne departed this life on the day of S. Denise in the night, at his manor of Bugdon, whose learning coupled with vertue and vprightnesse of life wan to him perpetuall commendation.The praise of Grosted. He was a manifest blamer of pope and king, a reproouer of prelats, a corrector of moonks, a director of preests, an instructor of clearkes, a susteinor of scholers, a prea|cher to the people, a persecutor of incontinent liuers, a diligent searcher of the scriptures, a contemnor and a verie mallet of such strangers as sought pre|ferment in this realme by the popes prouisions: in housekeeping liberall, in corporall refection plenti|full, and in ministring spirituall food, deuout and god|lie affected: in his bishoplike office diligent, reue|rend, and neuer wearied: a singular example of a bi|shop, speciallie in those daies, and at whose life our re|formed bishops may fetch light to abandon their darkenesse, and to amend that which is amisse in them, sith
Validiora sunt exempla quàm praecepta,Leo papa.Et pleniùs docemur vita quàm verbo.