[1] After long treatie,A marriage concluded be|twixt the K. of Englands sonne & the K. of Spaines daughter. by the diligence of the said am|bassadors, a full conclusion followed of their motion. And whereas the king of England had giuen and as|signed the dominion of Gascoigne to his said sonne the lord Edward, the king of Spaine in the instru|ment that conteined the couenants of the marriage, resigned and quite claimed all the right and title within Gascoigne which he had or might haue by the gift of king Henrie the second, and by confirmation of the kings, Richard and Iohn. In this meane while, the townes and castels which the rebels held, were won and deliuered into the kings hands, and here|with followed a great dearth in the kings armie, so that a hen was sold for six pence sterling,A dearth in the kings campe. a pound weight in bread was at two pence or three pence, a gallon of wine at two shillings, a coome of foure bu|shels of wheat at twentie shillings, so that a knight with his esquire, and coistrell with his two horsses, might scarse be competentlie found for two shillings in siluer. Wherefore the king to relieue his people there with him on that side the sea, sent the prior of Newbourgh with other into England, to cause pro|uision of vittels and other necessaries to be conueied and brought vnto him into Gascoigne, and so there was a great quantitie of graine and powdred flesh taken vp and sent awaie with all conuenient spéed.