[1] [2] Moreouer, for the better preseruation of peace and quietnesse amongst his people, he appointed watch to be kept by night in cities and borough townes. And further by the aduise of the Sauoisines, which were about him,An ordinance against rob|bers. he ordeined that if any man chanced to be robbed, or by any meanes damnified by any théefe or robber, he to whom the kéeping of that coun|trie cheefelie apperteined where the robberie was doone, should competentlie restore the losse: and this was after the vsage of Sauoy, but was thought more hard to be obserued here, than in those parts, where are not so manie bypaths and starting corners to shift out of the waie. ¶ The Gascoignes continu|ed in their seditious dooings, and namelie Gascon de Bierne, who renouncing his dutie and obedience to the king of England ioined himselfe to the king of Spaine, through his helpe to be the stronger & more able to annoie the English subiects. The euill intrea|ting vsed towards the Gascoignes which brought hither wines,The cause yt mooued the Gascoignes to rebellion. in that the same were oftentimes ta|ken from them by the kings officers, and other, with|out readie monie allowed for the sale, gaue occasion to them to grudge and repine against the king.