[1] Moreouer, about the same time, the king vpon displeasure conceiued against the earle of Leicester, had caused him to resigne his office of the warden|ship of Gascoigne:The earle of Leicester re|signeth his go+uernment of Gascoigne. and bicause the earle had it by patent, the king not able to find any iust cause of for|feiture, agréed to paie vnto him for the resignation no small portion of monie. And whereas the Gas|coignes had charged the earle with too much streict [page 248] handling of them, whereby they were occasioned to raise tumults, the matter was now nothing at all a|mended. For after the earle had resigned, they conti|nued still in rebellion,The Rioll, S. Mill [...]on, townes in Gascoigne. so that the Rioll with S. Milli|ons and other places were taken by the aduersaries out of the kings hands, and great slaughter of people made in those parts: wherefore the king minding to go thither, caused musters to be taken, and men put in a redinesse according to the custome, that he might vnderstand what number of able men furnished for the warre were to be had. He also tooke order that e|uerie man that might dispend yeerlie fiftéene pounds in lands should be made knight.Knights to be made.