[1] The king by a shift got of the Londoners 1000 marks. For as it happened about the same time the youthfull citizens (for an exercise and triall of their actiuitie) had set foorth a game to run at the quin|tine, and whosoeuer did best,Running at the quintine. should haue a peacocke which they had prepared for a prise. Certeine of the kings seruants, bicause the court laie then at West|minster, came (as it were in spite of the citizens) to the game, and giuing reprochfull names to the Lon|doners (which for the dignitie of the citie and ancient priuileges which they ought to haue inioied were called barons) the said Londoners not able to beare so to be misused, fell vpon the kings seruants,The Londo|ners called Barons. and bet them shrewdlie, so that vpon complaint, the king cau|sed the citizens to fine for their rash dooings. Wherein the Londoners followed the counsell of him that in a case of strife, said
Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito,Audaces fortuna iuuat.