[1] [2] The earle of Glocester and the lord William de Ualence went ouer into France in most trium|phant manner, to conclude a marriage betwixt the sonne of the said earle of Glocester, and the daughter of the lord Guie of Engolesme. Which marriage the king had motioned for the affection which he bare to|wards the aduancement of his linage, by the mo|thers side. Whereat bicause they were strangers, the English nobilitie somewhat repined. And whereas like lustie yoong gentlemen they attempted a iusts and tornie to shew some proofe of their valiant sto|machs, they were well beaten by the Frenchmen, that disdained to see yoong men so presumptuous, to prouoke old accustomed warriours to the triall of such martiall enterprises.The new moone appea|red before hir time. About the beginning of Lent, the new moone was seene foure daies before shée ought to haue appeared by hir due and common course.