[1] Howbeit, at length the matter was taken vp be|twixt them, for the king in his brothers cause, and the queene for hir vncle the archbishop, tooke some paine to agree them:The archb. of Canturburie and the bishop of Winchester made fréends. William de Ualence, and Iohn de Warren. and so in the octaues of the Epiphanie they were made freends, and those absolued that were excommunicated, in which number William de Ua|lence, and Iohn de Warren were thought to be con|teined, as those that should be present in vsing the force against the officiall (as before ye haue heard.) By inquirie taken about this time by the diligence of the bishop of Lincolne, it was found that the yéer|lie profits and reuenues of spirituall promotions and liuings resting in strangers hands preferred by the popes prouisions,The value of spirituall li|uings in stran+gers hands. amounted to the summe of thréescore and ten thousand marks, which was more by two third parts, than the kings reuenues belong|ing to his crowne.