[1] [2] The archbishop thus serued at his first comming ouer, and taking the same but for a homlie welcome, was maruellouslie offended, and comming to Lon|don accompanied with the bishops of Chichester and Hereford, in the church of saint Marie bowe, being reuested in pontificalibus, pronounced all those ac|curssed, which were authours or fauourers of such a rash and presumptuous deed, and further commanded all the bishops within his prouince, by vertue of their obedience, to denounce the same in their churches e|uerie sundaie and holie day. The bishop of Winche|ster on the other part, sent commandement to the deane of Southwarke, to resist the archbishop to his face, and to denounce his cursse to be void, vaine, and of no force, but deuised of a craftie purpose and wic|ked meaning. The archbishop continuing in his con|ceiued displeasure, went to Oxenford, and there on the morrow after saint Nicholas day, renewed the same cursse in solemne wise before all the learned men, students, and scholers of the Uniuersitie.