[1] [2] About the same time, that is to say, on the octaues of saint Martin, Boniface the archbishop of Cantur|burie arriued in England, comming from the court of Rome, where he had beene long resiant. ΒΆ At the same time there chanced a great occasion of strife betwixt the said archbishop, and the bishop of Win|chester. For where maister Eustace de Lin, officiall to the said archbishop had first excommunicated, and after for his contumacie caused to be attached a preest which by authoritie of the elect of Winchester as diocesane there, was entred into possession of an hospitall in Southwarke, as gouernour thereof, by the name of prior, without consent of the officiall: who pretended title as patrone in his maisters name. The said elect of Winchester caused a riotous sort of persons after the maner of warre to seeke re|uenge hereof, the which after manie outrages doone, came to Lambeth, and there by violence tooke the said Eustace out of his owne house, and led him to Farnham, where he was kept as prisoner.