[1] They alledged sundrie reasons for their excuse,The bishops refuse to yeild to the popes grant. as the pouertie of the English church being alreadie made bare, with continuall exactions and oppressi|ons; but chéeflie they excused themselues by the ab|sence of the archbishops of Canturburie and Yorke, of whom the one was beyond the sea, and the other at home in the north parts. All th' other English bishops were there, except Hereford & Chester, which Chester was sicke, and therefore without the consent of those that were absent, and namelie their primat the arch|bishop of Canturburie, they could not conclude vpon any generall point touching the kings demand. And although the king fretted and stormed against them, yet could he not bring them to his purpose, so that the parlement for that time was dissolued. Yet before their departure from London, he communed with the bishops apart, to sée if he might persuade them to giue him some portion of monie towards his char|ges: but they had tuned their strings all after one note, discording all from his tenor, so that not a pe|nie could be got of them:The king highlie offen|ded with the bishops. wherefore he tooke high dis|pleasure against them, reuiling them in most re|prochfull maner, and amongst other he vpbraided his halfe brother (the elect of Winchester) of great vn|thankefulnesse, who also amongst the residue stood a|gainst him.