[1] [2] The 17 of September the cathedrall church of Elie was dedicated,The church of Elie dedi|cated. which the bishop of that sée na|med Hugh had builded of his owne proper costs and charges, togither with the palace there. The king and a great number of the péeres & nobles of the realme both spirituall and temporall were present at this so|lemne feast, which was kept in most plentifull man|ner. The 13 day of October,A parlement. the king held a great feast at London, and had called the states of the realme, then and there to assemble in parlement, wherein he opened to them the popes grant, which he had obteined of the tenths due to the church,The king de|mandeth the tenths of the spiritualtie. to be re|ceiued by him for thrée yeares, towards his charges in his iournie which he meant to make into the holie land. The bishops, and namelie Lincolne, vtterlie re|fused to be contributarie to his grant.