[1] [2] [3] The earle of Leicester sent eftsoones into Gascoigne.The earle of Leicester was eftsoones sent into Gas|coigne by the king, who had not cared if he had fallen into his enimies hands, as should appeare. But the earle hired souldiers in France, and comming into Gascoigne, preuailed against his enimies, though in one conflict he was in danger of loosing both life and the honour of the field. But yet through his good hap, Gods fauour, and the valiancie of himselfe and some of his retinue, he got the vpper hand, and put his eni|mies to flight, taking Rusteine,Rusteine taken. one of the cheefe ring-leaders, whom he caused to be presented to the king. At the same time had the king inuested his son Ed|ward with the duchie of Aquitaine to the offense of the earle of Cornewall,

The kings eldest son Ed|ward creates duke of Aqui|taine.

Sir Arnold de Monteinie slaine.

to whom by charter he had be|fore giuen and confirmed the same. In a iusts holden at Walden, sir Arnold de Monteinie a right valiant knight was slaine by sir Roger de Lemborne, for which mischance all the Nobles there assembled made great lamentation, and namelie the said sir Roger: but yet he was suspected to be in blame, bi|cause the socket of his staffe was polished, & not aba|ted. Hereby it should appeare, that in qualitie of wea|pon, and not in maner of their running togither, these iusts and tornies in those daies practised diffe|red from the verie order of warre.