[1] Also this was noted not without great woonder, that yoong heifers and bullockes followed the milch|kine, & as it had beene calues sucked the same kine. Also appletrées and pearetrées, now after the time of yeelding their ripe fruit, began againe to blossome, as if it had beene in Aprill.The cause of the death of cattell. The cause of the death of cattell was thought to come hereof. After so great a [page 246] drought (which had continued by all the space of the moneths of Aprill, Maie, Iune, and Iulie) when there folowed good plentie of raine, the earth began to yeeld hir increase most plentiouslie of all growing things, though not so wholesome nor of such kindlie sub|stance, as in due time and season she is accustomed to bring foorth, and so the cattell which before were hungerstarued, fed now so greedilie of this new grasse sproong vp in vndue season, that they were sud|denlie puffed vp with flesh, and such vnnaturall hu|mors, as bred infections amongst them, whereof they died.