[1] [2] [3] [4] In the six and thirtith yéere of king Henries reigne, Anno Reg. 3 [...]. Matth. Par [...] The church of Hales de+dicated. the church of Hales was dedicated of the foundation of Richard earle of Cornewall. At which dedication he kept a solemne feast on the euen of saint Leonard being Sunday. There was present the king and the [page 245] queene, and almost all the Nobilitie of England, both spirituall and temporall.The charges of the buil|ding of the church of Hales. The building of that church, all charges accounted, stood the earle in ten thousand marks, as he himselfe confessed vnto Mat|thew Paris. ¶ About the same time the earle of Lei|cester and Guie de Lusignan the kings halfe bro|ther came into England out of France, and landed at Douer, whome the king receiued with great ioy and gladnesse. He gaue to his brother at his returne great rewards, as he was euer accustomed. In the feast of the Conception of our ladie at a iustes hol|den at Rochester,Tournies and iusts in those daies were handled in more rough manner than is vsed in our tune. the strangers were put to the worse, and well beaten by the English batchlers and men of armes, so that the dishonour which they did to the Englishmen at Brakley was now recompensed with interest. For the strangers fleeing to the citie for succour, were met by the way by the English knights seruants and yeomen, which fell vpon them, beat them sore with clubs and staues, and handled them verie euill. Hereof sprang a great hatred be|twixt the Englishmen and strangers, which dailie grew and increased more and more, the rather bicause the king had them in so good estimation, and reteined so manie of them within the realme.