[1] [2] On S. Dunstans day there was a maruellous sore tempest of weather,A sore tem|pest of thun|der & light|ning. the aire being darkened on euerie side from the foure corners thereof, and with|all chanced such a thunder as few the like had béene heard of. First it began as it had béene a great way off, but after it burst out with such terrible crackes as was woonderfull. But one amongst the rest excée|ded, and withall such lightening flashed foorth, as put men in great feare and terror. The chimnie of the chamber, wherein the quéene and hir children then were, was beaten downe to dust, and the whole buil|ding sore shaken. This was at Windsore,Windsore. where in the parke, okes were rent in sunder, and turned vp by the roots, and much hurt doone; as milles with the millers in them, shéepfolds with their shepheards, and plowmen, and such as were going by the way were destroied and beaten downe. About the same time the sea on the coasts of England arose with higher tides than the naturall course gaue,High tides. by the space of six féet.