[1] [2] [3] In this season also there depended a controuersie betwixt the archbishop of Canturburie with the bi|shop of London and his canons of Paules,Contro [...]ersie betwixt pre|lats. so that the said bishop of London & the deane of Paules, and other of the [...] were excommunicated. But the bishop perceiuing which way the world went, recon|ciled himselfe: as for the deane, he stood long in the matter, & at length went himselfe to the pope to vtter his gréefe. This controuersie hanged long betwixt them, and was handled in such wise, that [...]aie-men laughed at their dooings, for now and then whom the pope commanded to be absolued, their aduersaries by colour of the popes authoritie would command to be excommunicated.The earle of Leicester pro|spereth in Gascoigne. The first day of Iulie the earle of Leicester in Gascoigne ouercame manie of the kings enimies, and tooke from them a fortresse called Chattellon.