[1] [2] [3] On the nineteenth of Maie died Robert de Lex|inton clearke,Robert de Lexinton de|parteth this life. the which hauing continued a long [page 243] time in the office of a iudge, purchased to himselfe great fame, and also most large possessions. But cer|teine yéeres before his death, bicause he was diseased with the palsie, he gaue ouer that office, and drew himselfe into a quiet trade of life, so ending his daies in praiers and dooing of almesdeeds.

The lord Hen+rie Hastings deceaseth.

Robert Mus|champe.

Athelmarie the kings half brother made bishop of Win|chester.

The earle of Salisburie slaine by the Saracens.

About the feast of S. Margaret died Henrie Hastings a noble ba|ron, and one Robert de Muschampe a man of great renowme in the north parts. Also Walter bishop of Winchester departed this life, about the feast of S. Matthew, in whose place (through the kings earnest suit) his halfe brother Athelmare was promoted to succéed. Moreouer, in the east parts, that valiant erle of Salisburie William de Longespee, with Robert de Ueer, and others, was slaine in that vnfortunate battell in the which the Saracens vanquished the christian armie, and tooke Lewes the French king prisoner.