[1] [2] The mondaie before the R [...]gation wéeke, Richard the kings brother earle of Cornewall,The earle of Cornwall r [...]turneth from the pope. returned from the court of Rome, where he had beene about certeine businesse vnknowne to most men: but whatsoeuer the same was, the pope gaue him most courteous and honorable interteinement for his welcome, and made him great cheare during his abode at Lions, where the popes court as then laie. ¶ About this season, the K. to rid himselfe out of debt, wherein he was indangered to certeine merchants, lessened the charges of his houshold, and kept but a meane port, diminishing euen the accustomed almesse of the poore,The king sp [...]reth to bring himselfe out of debt. and also the great number of tapers and lights in his chappell, so that he was noted with the blame of too much niggardlie sparing an [...] pinching: but in that he discharged his debt to the merchants, he was thought to doo wiselie and charitablie, for that he would not see them hindered to whom he was so in|debted; besides the opinion that he had concerning himselfe, namelie that

Profectum faciunt rarum quos debita stringunt.