[1] The bishop of Lincolne did excommunicat a préest within his diocesse,The bishop of Lincolne. that was accused of incon|tinencie. And bicause the same preest continued for|tie daies without séeking to be reconciled, the bishop sent to the shiriffe of Rutland, within whose baili|wike the same préest dwelled, to apprehend him as a disobedient and rebellious person: but the shiriffe winked at the matter, and would not execute the bi|shops commandement, wherevpon the bishop did al|so excommunicat the shiriffe: whereof the king be|ing informed, tooke displeasure, and sending to the pope, procured an inhibition,An inhibition procured by the king of the pope. that no archbishop nor bishop should compell anie officer belonging to the king, to follow anie suit afore them, for those things that apperteined to the kings iurisdiction, or give sen|tence against them for the same.