[1] [2] Upon the 27 day of Aprill those that had taken on them the crosse, assembled at Bermondsey besides London, to treat of their setting forward, determi|ning that the same should be at Midsummer next: but by the popes letters which the king procured, they were commanded to staie till the king himselfe went. Thus their iournie for that time was disap|pointed. There was of them and their retinues that meant thus to haue gone, fiue hundreth knights, be|sides yeomen or demilances and other common soul|diers in great numbers. Gaston de Bierne was so driuen to his shifts by the high prowesse of the earle of Leicester,Gaston de Bierne sub|miteth himself to the king. that in the end he was constreined to come ouer into England, and submit himselfe to the king, whom he found at Clarendon, where he gat such mercie at the kings hands, that he was pardo|ned and restored to his lands. But the earle of Lei|cester put the king in possession of the castels of Fronsacke,The earle of Leicester his service in Gascoigne. Egremount, and others, and banished Rustein, and William de Solares, with diuerse o|ther stubborne and disloiall rebels, depriuing them of their lands and inheritance in that countrie.