[1] [2] This yeare a little before Candlemas,The bishop of Durham re|signeth his bishoprike. the bishop of Durham being a man of great yeares, by licence obteined of the pope, resigned his miter, reseruing to himselfe onelie thrée manors, Houeden with the ap|purtenances, Stocton and Euerington. The king hauing the last yeare receiued of his subiects a deni|all of a generall subsidie to be granted him, Matth. Paris. The king practiseth to get monie. practised this yeare to get some reléefe at their hands, in cal|ling each of them apart: but first he got two thou|sand marks of the citie of London, and after fell in hand with the abbats and priors, of whome he got somewhat, though sore against their willes. By occa|sion of two merchant strangers of Brabant, which chanced to be robbed about the parts of Winchester, whilest the king was there, vpon their importunate suit and complaint, there was a great nest of theeues broken,A nest of théeues brokẽ. amongst the which were manie wealthie per|sons and freeholders, such as vsed to passe on life and death of their owne companions, to whom they were fauourable inough you may be sure: also, there were some of the kings seruants amongst them. A|bout thirtie of those offendors were apprehended, and put to execution, besides those that escaped, some into sanctuarie, and some into voluntarie exile, running out of and vtterlie forsaking the countrie.