[1] [2] [3] There chanced another earthquake foure daies before Christmasse, Anno Reg. 33. An erthquake namelie in the west countrie a|bout Bath and Welles, which shooke and ouerthrew some buildings, speciallie the tops and summets of stéeples, turrets and chimnies were shaken therwith, and not the bases or lower parts. ¶In Christmasse following, the earle of Leicester returned out of Gascoigne, where he had béene as generall against Gaston de Bierne, whome he had so afflicted and put to the worse, that the same Gaston was glad to sue for an abstinence of warre, where before he had doone much hurt to the kings subiects. The said earle had also with the aid of the kings subiects apprehended an other rebell, one William Berthram de Egremont who had doone much hurt in the parts of Gascoigne, and in the confines there, whome he had left in prison within the castell of the Rioll.