[1] [2] The parlement began againe at the day appoin|ted, but nothing to accompt of was then concluded, but rather a displeasure kindled betwixt the king and his barons, for that they looked for a reformation in his dooings, Matth. Paris. The parlemẽt dissolued. and he for monie out of their coffers, which would not be granted, and so that parlement brake vp.The king dri|uen to sell his plate. The king herevpon for want of monie, was driuen to so hard a shift, that he was constreined to sell his plate and iewels (which the Londoners bought) so much to his hinderance, that diuers péeces (the workemanship whereof was more woorth than the value of the stuffe) were sold notwithstanding af|ter the rate as they weied.