[1] About the same time, by reason that the sterling monie was generallie so clipped,An ordinance for monie. that the inscription was cut off for the most part euen to the inner circle, a proclamation was set foorth, that no péeces thereof should passe from one to an other, nor be receiued as currant and lawfull monie, except the same were of iust weight and fashion. Herewith also inquirie was made for those that had so defaced it, and sundrie Iewes bankers, and cloth-merchants of Flanders were found giltie.Inquirie made for wa|shers & clip|pers of monie. Also, the French king caused serch to be made within his realme for the same offendors, and such as were found giltie, were hanged, so that he was more seuere in punishing those falsifiers of the king of Englands coine, than the king of Eng|land was himselfe.