[1] [2] [3] [4] Toward the latter end of Nouember, William earle Ferrers & of Derbie departed this life,William earle Ferrers de|parteth this life. a man of great yeares and long troubled with the gout, a iust man and a peaceable. The same moneth the coun|tesse his wife died also, a woman of yeares, vertue and fame like to hir husband: Thomas Becket the archbishop of Canturburie did minister the priests office at their marriage. Their eldest sonne William succéeded his father in the earledome, a good man and a discreet, but vexed with the gout verie pitifullie, ha|uing that disease also as it were, by inheritance from his father. There died likewise other of the nobilitie, as Richard de Burgh, and William Fitz Ham. Be|atrice the countesse of Prouance mother to the queene, and Thomas de Sauoy late earle of Flan|ders,The countesse of Prouance commeth into England. came into England to visit the king and queene and were honorablie receiued, and at their departure backe towards home, richlie rewarded. This yeare in the octaues of the Purification,A parlement. a parlement was holden at London, where all the nobilitie of the realme in manner was present, There were nine bishops, as the archbishop of Yorke, with the bishops of Winchester, Lincolne, Norwich, Worcester, Chi|chester, Elie, Rochester and Carlell, with the earls of Cornewall, Leicester, Winchester, Hereford, North|folke, Oxford, Lincolne, Ferrers, and Warwike, with Peter de Sauoy earle of Richmond, besides lords and barons. The archbishop of Canturburie was at the court of Rome, & the bishop of Duresme was lefted by sickenesse.