[1] [2] Also the same daie and in the same church, the king made his halfe brother William de Ualence,Knights made. and di|uerse other yoong bachelers, knights. Unto the said William de Valence, for his further aduancement and maintenance, he gaue the castell of Hertford, and the honor therto belonging, with great treasure: & to the elder brother Guy de Lucignan, which about the same time returned into France, he gaue verie great and honorable gifts, lading his sumpters with plate and treasure of sterling monie, which in those daies in all countries was verie much esteemed. The earle of Winchester remaining in Gallowaie, Anno Reg. 32. where he had faire possessions in right of his wife,The earle of Winchester besieged in Galloway by his owne te|nants. was be|sieged of his owne tenants, within a castell wherein he lodged, and being in danger either to die through famine, or else at the discretion of the enimies, he burst forthî€ and making way with his sword, escaped, and comming to the king of Scots, complained of the iniurie doone to him by his people, wherevpon the king tooke such order, that the rebels were punished, and the earle set in quiet possession of his lands a|gaine.