[1] [2] Also, about the thirtéenth of August, the ladie Ione daughter to the lord Guarine de Monchenc [...]e,William de Ualence mar|rieth lord Montchẽcies daughter. was married vnto William de Ualence the kings halfe brother. The same ladie was heire to hir fathers lands, by the death of hir brother the sonne of the said lord Guarine. Sir William de Bueles knight a Norman borne, was made seneshall of Gascoigne about this season, and was sore vexed with wars by Gaston the sonne of the countesse of Bierne and o|thers,Gaston de Bi+erne maketh war against the kings lieutenant. which Gaston shewed himselfe verie vnthanke|full, for the king had giuen both to him and to his mo|ther (a woman of a monstrous stature) verie large in|terteinement to serue him in his wars at his last be|ing in that countrie (as before ye haue heard.) The archbishop of Canturburie suspended the préests of his prouince,Préests of the prouince of Canturburie suspended. bicause they would not consent (accor|ding to the grant which he had purchased of the pope) that he should haue the first fruits for one yeare, of e|uerie benefice that chanced to be vacant within the same prouince. The earles of Cornewall and Pen|broke got much monie by waie of a collection, to|wards the reliefe of the warres in the holie land, ha|uing purchased of the pope certeine buls of indul|gence for the same.Sir Fouke de Newcastell the kings coo|sen by his mother de|parteth this life. Sir Fouke de Newcastell a va|liant knight, and coosen germane to the king on the mothers side died at London, during the time of the parlement.