[1] [2] [3] [4] About the same time, Baldwine naming himselfe emperour of Constantinople,The emperor of Constanti|nople com|meth into England. came againe into England, to procure some new aid of the king, to|wards the recouerie of his empire, out of the which he was was expelled by the Greekes. ¶ Also, there arriued in England a cardinall that was bishop of Sabine, hauing first receiued an oth,A cardinall cõmeth into England, re|ceiuing an oth not to preiu|dice ye realme. that he came not for anie hurt to the king or his realme, for other|wise being a legat he might not be suffered to enter the land: he came this waie to passe ouer into Nor|waie, whither he went to crowne and annoint Ha|con king of that realme.The kings halfe brethren came to sée the king. There arriued here with him the thrée halfe brethren to the king, Guy de Lu|cignan, William de Valence, & Athelmare a préest, with their sister Alice. All these were begotten by [page 240] Hugh [...] earle of March, of quéene Isabell the kings mother, and were therefore ioifullie receiued of the king, with faithfull promise, that he would be to them a beneficiall good brother, which his saiengs with effectuall déeds he [...] fullie performed. The cardinall hauing saluted the king, tooke leaue of him and came to Lin, where he staied at the point of thrée moneths, making such purchase amongst religious men,The cardinall maketh shift for [...]. that what by procuraries and other shifts, he got as was thought, a foure thousand marks towards his charges, and so departed. Edmund Lacie earle of Lincolne, and Richard de Burgh, as then wards to the king, were married vnto two of those yoong la|dies of Prouance, which Peter de Sauoy earle of Richmond brought ouer with him, whereat manie of the English nobilitie grudged.