[1] [2] There were at this time diuerse ordinances de|créed and enacted by waie of prohibition,Acts made to restraine pre|sumptuous authoritie of the spiritual|tie. to restreine the authoritie of spirituall persons, as that no eccle|siasticall judge should determine in causes of anie temporall man, except touching causes of matrimo|nie and testaments. They were also prohibited to sue anie actions touching tithes, before anie spiritu|all iudge, and the writ whereby they were prohibited, was called an Indicauit. Sundrie other such ordinan|ces were deuised, which for breefenesse we omit. What speed or answer so euer the messengers had that were sent to Rome with the letters deuised in the late par|lement, truth it is,The popes collectors. that the pope sent ouer into Eng|land such of his agents as gathered no small sums of monie amongst the cleargie, as one Marinus, and an other named Iohannes Anglicus a frier minor, the which were not intituled by the name of legats,A shift by for|bearing the name of legat. to saue the priuileges which the king had, that no le|gat might come into the realme without his licence. The comming ouer of these men, bicause it was to gather monie, contented not manie mens minds, as well appeared in a parlement called at Oxford a|bout reformation thereof, but yet notwithstanding it was there agreed, that the pope should haue eleuen thousand marks to be leuied amongst them of the spiritualtie, exempt persons and places reserued.