[1] [2] [3] On S. Ualentines euen, a great earthquake hap|pened here in England, and namelie about London,An earth|quake. on the Thames side, with the which manie buildings were ouerthrowen. These earthquakes, the seldo|mer they chance in England, the more dreadfull the same are, and thought to signifie some great altera|tion. A litle before this earthquake, the sea had ceassed from ebbing and flowing for the space of three mo|neths togither,A strange woonder. by a long tract neere to the English shore, to the great maruell of many, for either it flow|ed not at all, or else so little that it might not be per|ceiued. And after the earthquake,Continuall raine. there followed such a season of foule weather, that the spring séemed to be changed into winter, for scarse was there anie daie without raine, till the feast of the translation of S. Benet.