[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] The earle of Sauoy in the presence of the archbi|shop of Canturburie,The earle of Sauoy dooth homage to the K. of England and the bishop of Hereford and others, did homage to the king of England, acknow|ledging to hold of him certeine fées, as those of Suse, Auislian, S. Maurice de Chablais, and the castell of Bard, which he might well doo, not preiudicing the right of the empire, sith he held nothing of the same empire, except Aigues and the passages. This yeare,Roger Bigod intitled to the office of earle Marshall. the office of the earle Marshall was giuen to Roger Bigod earle of Northfolke, in right of his wife the countesse, that was eldest daughter vnto the great earle William Marshall. ¶Moreouer, Matth. Paris. Harold king of Man. Welshmen re|ceiued to the kings peace, vp on their submission. in this yeare the king holding his Easter at London, honored Ha|rold king of Man with the order of knighthood. A|bout the same time, diuerse noble men of Wales submitted themselues, and were receiued vnto the kings peace. ¶ On saint Markes day was a great frost and snow, which nipped the leaues of trees and hearbes in such extreame wise, that for the more part they withered and faded awaie.