[1] [2] [3] Shortlie after also, Charles the French kings bro|ther maried the ladie Beatrice,Charles the French kings brother is made earle of Prouance. yoongest daughter of earle Raimond, and had with hir the same countie of Prouance, and so was intituled earle thereof, as in the French historie appeareth. Moreouer, the archbi|shop of Canturburie procured a grant from the pope to recouer for one yeare the first fruits of all cures that chanced to be void within the citie,The archb. of Canturburie purchaseth grant of the pope to leuie monie. diocesse, and prouance of Canturburie, by and during the tearme of seauen yeares then next following, till the summe of ten thousand marks were leuied, towards the dis|charge of the said archbishops debts. The collection of the which ten thousand marks was assigned by the popes bulles vnto the bishop of Hereford, who should also leauie two thousand marks of the reuenues belonging to the church of Canturburie, to be con|uerted to the same vse. The king at the first was sore offended herewith, but shortlie after, he was pacified and so the archbishop had his will.