[1] The king also gaue foorth commandement, that no prouision of corne or vittels should be conueied vnto the Welshmen, out of any parts, either of England or Ireland, on paine of forfeiting life,

Brine pits destroied in wales.

The lord Maurice chéefe iustice of Ireland.

lands & goods. Moreouer, he caused the brine pits in Wales to be stopped vp and destroied. The king hauing thus orde|red his businesse, returned into England, and short|lie after, taking displeasure with the lord Maurice, chéefe iustice of Ireland, bicause he had not made such speed as had béene conuenient in bringing the Irishmen to his aid, he discharged him of the office of chéefe iustice, and placed in his roome Iohn Fitz Geffrey.

Iohn Fitz Geffrey lord iustice of I|reland.

Matth. Paris. The dece [...]se of Walter erle Marshall

In this thirtith yeare of king Henries reigne, Walter earle Marshall and of Penbroke departed this life: and shortlie after, to wit, three daies before Christmasse, his brother Anselme that succeeded him in the inheritance, deceassed also with|out issue: and so all the fine sonnes of the great earle William Marshall, being departed this world with|out [page 238] heires of their bodies begotten, the whole heri|tage descended to the sisters, and so was diuided a|mongst them as coparteners.