Snippet: 283 of 539 (1587, Volume 6, p. 237)
[4] The morrow after the
Purification of our ladie, Isabell de Boulbec countesse of Oxenford departed
this life,
The decease of the coun|tesse of Ox|ford, and of the earle of
Deuonshire. Geffrey de March de|ceaseth.
The decease of Raimond earle of Pro|uance.
The decease of the lord Humfreuile.
and likewise the morrow after saint Ualen|tines day died Baldwine de
Riuers earle of De|uonshire and of the Wight. Moreouer, Geffrey de March, a
man sometime of great honour and posses|sions in Ireland, after he had
remained long in ex|ile, and suffered great miserie, ended the same by
na|turall death. Also Raimond earle of Prouance, father to the quéenes of
England and France deceassed this yeare, for whome was kept in England a
most solemne obsequie. Also in the wéeke after Palme-sundaie, died a right
noble baron, and warden of the north parts of England, the lord Gilbert
Hum|freuile, leauing behind him a yoong sonne, the custo|die of whome the
king forthwith committed to the earle of Leicester, not without the
indignation of the earle of Cornewall, who desired the same.