[1] [2] The king this yeare caused inquisition to be made through euerie countie within the realme,The valna [...] of benefices taken, that perteined to strangers. to vnder|stand the true valuation of all such benefices and spi|rituall promotions as were in the hands of anie in|cumbents that were strangers borne, and such as had béene preferred by the court of Rome, and the whole summe of all their reuenues was found to be sixtie thousand marks. On Whitsundaie the king made the earle of Glocester,This Gil|bert was erle of Glocester, Hereford & lord of Clare. Gilbert de Clare knight, and 40 other yoong gentlemen that attended vpon him. And perceiuing by the late inquisition what great reuenues the beneficed strangers had and possessed within the realme, and againe conside|ring the excéeding great summes of monie which the court of Rome had recouered of his subiects, he be|gan to detest such couetous dealing. And herevpon a letter was deuised by the whole bodie of the realme, wherein were conteined, the sundrie extortions and manifold exactions of the popes legats, and other of his chapleines, which vnder colour of his authoritie they had vsed.Ambassadors sent to the ge|nerall coun|cell. There were appointed also to go with these letters vnto the generall councell, certeine ho|norable and discreet personages, as Roger Bigod earle of Northfolke, Iohn Fitz Geffrey, William de Cantlow, Philip Basset,These were barons. and Ralfe Fitz Nicho|las, with other, the which presenting the same letters vnto the said assemblie, should declare the greefe of the whole realme; and require some redresse and ease|ment therein.