[1] It chanced that about this time, a post comming from the pope with letters to his Nuncio maister Martin,The popes letters staied. conteining instructions how he should pro|céed for the gathering of monie, was staied at Do|uer, by the practise of such noble men as were grée|ued to sée anie such summes of monie to be conueied out of the realme in sort as was vsed. He was had into the castell and his letters taken from him, where|in such secrets were conteined for the getting of mo|nie, as ought not to haue beene reuealed. Maister Martin hearing that the post was thus staied and imprisoned, made a gréeuous complaint vnto the king, so that the post was set at libertie, had his let|ters to him restored, & so came vnto master Martin, and deliuered them vnto him that he might vnder|stand the popes pleasure, which others to his griefe vnderstood now as well as himselfe.