[1] Upon a time as they (being got to the heigth of an hill, to cast downe stones and throw darts vpon the Englishmen that assailed them beneath) chanced a|mongst other to slea with a mightie stone (which they threw downe by the side of the hill) sir Hubert Fitz Matthew a right valiant knight,Sir Hubert Fitz Mat|thew slaine, and a man of great accompt for his knowledge and seruice in warres. Thus the wars continued betweene the parties, and oftentimes the Welshmen by the sudden inuasions got the better: their prince Dauid comming to the castell of Monthault besieged it, and within a short time wan it,The castell [...] Monthault taken by the Welshmen. slaieng or taking all those whome he found within it. The owner thereof the lord Roger de Monthault by chance was not at home, which hap|pened well for him, where otherwise he had béene in great danger: but néere to the castell of Mountgo|merie, the Welshmen yet were eftsoons ouerthrowne and 200 of them slaine by an ambush that brake forth vpon their backs. About the middest of Lent the prelats of England were summoned to come to a generall councell, the which pope Innocent had ap|pointed to be holden at the feast of S. Iohn Baptist next following.A generall councell.