[1] [2] When all things were throughlie concluded, and order taken in what sort the assurances of this accord should passe, the king of Scots returned into the in|ner parts of his realme, and the king of England likewise returned to London. At the same time also,The Welsh|men stirre coles. the Welshmen were verie busie: for hearing that the kings of England and Scotland were agreed, they doubted least all the burthen of the warre would be turned against them. Wherefore (as it were to pre|uent the matter) they began to wast the English con|fines. The king aduertised thereof, sent Hubert Fitz Matthew with thrée hundreth knights or men of armes to defend the English marshes against the [page 236] Welshmen, that made dailie war against those that dwelled on the marshes, and namelie against the erle of Herford, which chéeflie occasioned this warre, by deteining the land which apperteined vnto the wife of prince Dauid, as in the right of hir purpartie.