[1] But as the Nobles were busie in three wéekes space about the deuising of these ordinances and o|ther, to haue béene decréed as statutes, the enimie of peace and sower of discord, the diuell, hindred all these things by the couetousnesse of the pope,The pope sen|deth for some aid of monie to mainteine wars against the emperour. who had sent his chapleine master Martin, with authoritie to le|uie also an aid of monie for his néed to mainteine his wars withall against the emperour; and the em|perour on the other part sent ambassadours to the king, to staie him and his people from granting anie such aid vnto the pope: so that there was no lesse hard hold and difficultie shewed in refusing to contribute vnto this demand of the popes Nuncio, than vnto the kings. At length yet in another sitting, which was be|gun thrée weekes after Candlemasse, they agreed to giue the king escuage to run towards the marriage of his eldest daughter,Escuage grã|ted the king. of euerie knights fée holden of the king twentie shillings to be paid at two termes, the one halfe at Easter, and the other at Michelmasse.