[1] They would also that the lord chiefe iustice and the lord chancellour should be chosen by the generall voi|ces of the states assembled,Unreasonable requests. and bicause it was need|full that they should be oftentimes with the king, it was thought they might be chosen out of the number of those foure aboue rehearsed conseruators of iu|stice. And if the king at anie time chanced to take the seale from the lord chancellour, whatsoeuer writing were sealed in the meane time should be of none ef|fect. They aduised also, that there should be two iu|stices of the benches, two barons of the excheker, and one iustice for the Iewes; and these for that present to be appointed by publike voices of the states, that as they had to order all mens matters and businesse, so in their election the assents of all men might be had and giuen: and that afterwards, when vpon anie oc|casion there should be anie elected into the roome of anie of these iustices, the same should be appointed by one of the afore mentioned foure councellors.