[1] But although the king had got the pope to write in his fauour vnto the lords both spirituall and tem|porall, to aid him in that his demand of monie, there was much adoo, and plaine deniall made at the first, to grant at that time to anie such paiment as was demanded: and eftsoones they fell in hand with deui|sing new orders, and namelie to renew againe their suit for the confirmation of the ancient liberties of the realme,New orders deuised by the lords. so as the same might be obserued, accor|ding to the grant thereof before made by the kings letters patents, without all fraud or contradiction. They also appointed, that there should be foure lords chosen of the most puissant and discréetest of all other within the realme, which should be sworne of the kings councell, to order his businesse iustlie and tru|lie, and to see that euerie man had right without re|specting of persons. And these foure chiefe councel|lors should be euer attending about the king, or at the least thrée or two of them: also that by the view, knowledge and witnesse of them, the kings treasure should be spent and laid foorth, and that if one of them chanced to fall awaie, an other should be placed in his roome by the appointment of the residue.